Every Two Hours a Christian Is Eliminated

Quelle: FSSPX News

According to the 2019 update of the Index of Persecution of Christians in Countries Worldwide by the Protestant-inspired association Open Doors, Christians – all confessions included – are increasingly persecuted throughout the world. This persecution most often occurs in countries with a Muslim majority.

4,305 Christians were killed for their Faith in 2018 according to the NGO Open Doors, which means that every two hours a Christian is killed for his beliefs; this is a 14% increase compared to the statistics for the year 2017.

According to Open Doors, over 245 million Christians are strongly persecuted. North Korea takes first place in this sad contest: “Between 50,000 and 70,000 Christians there are subjected to forced labor and torture for their Faith in detention camps,” reports the organization.

Another fact the study reveals is that of the 10 countries that persecute Christians the most, 8 have Muslim governments.

It is important to remember that the Church considers as true martyrs those who die and shed their blood in the name of the divine and Catholic Faith.