“Women Priests? A Heresy!” Declares a Prince of the Church

Source: FSSPX News

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller reacted vigorously in the May 17, 2018 issue of Tagepost to the remarks of the secretary general of the CDU calling for the ordination of women.

Annegeret Kramp-Karrenbauer directs the German conservative party. While speaking at the Katholikentag in Münster, she publicly voiced her hope that women may be admitted to the priesthood in the Church.

Cardinal Brandmüller – one of the cardinals who signed the famous dubia on Amoris Laetitia – lost no time in reacting in the press, deploring:

...the insistence with which certain themes are being kept alive within the German Church. They are always the same: female priesthood, celibacy, intercommunion, remarriage after divorce. Just recently there has been added the Church’s ‘yes’ to homosexuality…

For the titular archbishop of Caesarea in Mauritania, the secretary general of the CDU “has overstepped her role” by getting involved in the public debate in this way.

The high-ranking prelate took this opportunity to recall that anyone who promotes the ordination of women to the priesthood has “left the foundation of the Catholic faith” and “fulfils the elements of heresy which has, as its consequence, the exclusion from the Church.”

And the cardinal concluded:

How is it that since the days of the revolution of 1968, these above-mentioned topics are being hashed about again and again, ad nauseam, even though there have been given clear theological and magisterial answers?

Indeed, that is the question.