United Nations: Towards a Universal Right to Abortion

Source: FSSPX News

United Nations General Assembly Hall

The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a convenient scapegoat, because in the name of the fight against “inequality” and “violation of human rights,” Covid-19 was used to create the opportunity to set the stage for the United Nations General Assembly to adopt, on September 20, 2023, a resolution which sets out the contours of a future universal “right” to abortion.

Under the banner of “pandemic prevention” and equity, the United Nations is moving forward with a new agenda in order to “protect women’s reproductive rights.” 

On September 20, the United Nations General Assembly called on member states to “take all measures necessary to ensure the right of women and girls to the enjoyment the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights.”

It is a resolution which sounds like the outline of a universal “right” to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), the name of which is not used, but which did not deceive Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida: “I think we are in a moment where people have to draw a line in the sand of what they will and will not tolerate.” She adds, “And, for the pro-life community, they are now seeing that the work isn’t just here at home, it’s not just in our state capitols, it’s not just here on Capitol Hill, it’s a global fight that we have to undertake as well.”

This strategy aimed at expanding the so-called “right” to abortion at the United Nations level by playing on the rhetoric of reproductive rights and equity was implemented by the Biden Administration at the beginning of 2023:

“Our work must be inclusive. … a commitment to ‘equity’ must address inequalities not only between countries but also within each of them.… Not just protecting populations from pandemics – but also from illness, death, and disrupted access to essential health services during pandemics, including sexual and reproductive health services,” Pamela Hamamoto, Ambassador of the United Nations, declared last February at the United Nations. 

For Stefano Gennarini – vice-president of the Center for Family and Human Rights –, this is proof that the resolution of September 20 does indeed concern global access to abortion. “We know, given the Biden administration’s support for abortion, we know this to mean an attempt essentially to create an international right to abortion,” Stefano Gennarini said on EWTN.

The tone is radically different coming from the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO): “I welcome this commitment by world leaders… ensuring equity and supporting the global emergency health architecture that the world needs,” declared Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, following the resolution passed by the United Nations.