World: Pope Francis’ popularity is dropping

Source: FSSPX News

According to a study carried out by YouGov, a market research agency based in the United Kingdon, Pope Francis’ popularity levels have dropped significantly. 

According to their survey, which presents yearly ratings of the 20 most admired celebrities in the world, the Sovereign Pontiff has dropped from sixth to thirteenth place.

Publishing this study on May 10, 2016, Catholic American website Crux explains that the Pope “has undergone the most significant drop of all the celebrities rated.”

The Pope has also lost the “most admired religious leader” spot to the Dalai Lama, and is behind Russian president Vladimir Putin, actor Jackie Chan and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who tops the list.

Moreover, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not the most admired Argentinian; he is just behind soccer player Lionel Messi.

YouGov explains this loss of popularity by the fact that the Pope has supposedly “institutionalized” himself.

The study, carried out in 30 countries that make up two-thirds of the world’s population, establishes that he is nonetheless the second most admired man in the US, behind Barack Obama.