Vatican: the Pope defends “the right to water” in a video clip

Source: FSSPX News

Pope Francis will appear in the video clip of a song entitled “We want life and water” composed and interpreted by David Maltez, a Peruvian artist.

This short film is to be released at the end of October, and, according to daily La Croix of September 30th, 2015, Pope Francis will speak the following lines: “We want life and water. There is still time. Start now!” The opening frames show a group of children who progressively grow up, and then the Pope appears and delivers his message.

The video will be subtitled according to the country of release in French, German, English, Spanish and Italian, but also in Quechua, Aymara, etc. Images from the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu (on the picture) will feature as well as a huge dump in Lima, the capital of Peru.

The clip was financed by the Bishops’ Conference of Latin America, the Pontifical University of Peru, the Jesuits of Peru, Caritas France and Caritas Spain. The total cost of production is estimated at $20,000 or around 18,000 euros.

(Sources: – La Croix – DICI no. 322, 09/10/15)