US: Scientists attempt to recruit the Pope in support of ecological morality

Source: FSSPX News

Two scientists published an article on September 19th in the American journal Science, claiming that religious leaders, especially Pope Francis, are one of the keys to the “salvation of the planet” faced with the “destruction of the environment and climate change.”

Climatologist Veerabhadran Ramanathan of the University of California and economist Partha Dasgupta of the University of Cambridge in England, emphasized the “decisive contribution” that could be brought by Pope Francis in order to bring “thousands of persons throughout the world to change their lifestyles so as to avoid climactic catastrophe.”

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Piero Parolin, spoke at the UN Climate Summit on September 23rd to promote, according to a release from Asia News posted online the next day, a “collective response based on a culture of solidarity, meeting and dialogue,” bearing in mind above all “ethical and moral considerations” related to climate change.

In analyzing the Secretary of State’s remarks on September 24, 2014, on North American media site Life Site News, journalist Steve Jalsevac recalled that the theme of global warming has always been a pretext for “manipulation of populations, especially in the domain of birth control.”

(Sources: – Asia News – Reinformation TV – Life Site News – DICI no. 303, 24/10/14)