United States: Number of abortions has gone down

Source: FSSPX News

According to a survey published on June 7 by the American news service AP (Associated Press), abortions have declined 12% since 2010 in the United States. The study shows that “most” of the States reporting significantly lower figures are among the 31 that voted for laws restricting access to elective abortion in recent years. Research nevertheless showed that States that have kept very liberal policies in this regard, such as New York, Washington or Oregon, have also seen their rates of abortion “decline very clearly”.

Charmaine Yoest, President of Americans United for Life, interviewed on June 9 by Catholic News Service, says that the general decline in abortion reflects “a change in attitudes among pregnant women”. According to her, “There’s an entire generation of women who saw a sonogram as their first baby picture. There’s an increased awareness of the humanity of the baby before it is born.” For his part, Fr. Frank Pavone, President of the Catholic association Priests for Life, thinks that “the abortion industry in the United States has been imploding for years.”

Catholic News Service explains however that increased use of contraceptives “has played a role in this decrease” in abortion. Family planning facilities, indeed, have recorded a 91% increase in the use of certain contraceptive methods since 2009.

(Sources: apic/cns/bigstory – DICI no. 317 dated June 26, 2015)

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United States : In New York, 41% of pregnancies end in abortion
United States: The “Manhattan Declaration” against the Pro-abortion Ideology of Barack Obama