United Kingdom: Hospital seeks to turn its chapel into a mosque

Source: FSSPX News

Manchester General hospital.

The chaplaincy of the General Hospital in Manchester (Western England) wishes to transform its chapel, which was used for Catholic worship for 15 years, into a mosque. According to British paper the Catholic Herald of June 29, 2015, the plan is also to provide a place of worship for Protestants, Jews and even “a room of renewal for persons without religion.” However, nothing is being planned for the Catholic faithful.

Nearly 5000 persons have signed a petition against this plan. The municipal councilor of the city of Manchester, Pat Karney, told the press that he was “horrified” recalling that “thousands of Catholic families,” including his, “have used this little chapel.” He told the Catholic Herald that he intended to “meet the hospital authorities to gain a clearer vision of their intentions.”

(Sources: kipa-apic.ch – Catholic Herald – DICI no. 318, 10/07/15)

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