Nepal: Breakup of trafficking ring that sold women to jihadists

Source: FSSPX News

Nepalese girls of the same age who are sought after by jihadis.

Nepalese police have uncovered a criminal trafficking ring that was selling young women to jihadist groups fighting in the Middle East. 

The women were from disadvantaged classes and sold for an average of $7000 each. A local clandestine operation attracted them with false promises of employment as dancers in bars and restaurants.

According to the Catholic news agency Asia News in a report from April 10, 2015, once they arrived in countries such as Syria, Tanzania and Kenya, the women were handed over to terrorists who used them as slaves and human shields. The traffickers targeted Nepalese women because of their reputation of being “cheap and submissive.”

Hermanta Malla Thakuri, a chief in the Nepalese police, told Asia News that the ring had been uncovered thanks to information obtained from some women who had been rescued by non-governmental agencies. The police arrested six Nepalese suspects and one Indian.