Italy: A nun releases a pop album

Source: FSSPX News

In Italy, a Sicilian nun will release her first pop album on November 10th. Sister Cristina—both her stage name and her name in religion—became a celebrity after winning a television talent show that is very popular in Italy in the spring of 2014. She always wears her black veil and a cross around her neck but does not hesitate to sing and dance without restraint. She has drawn millions of viewers to every clip she has posted on the Internet.

According to an article published on October 28th on the website of daily Midi Libre, the title song of her upcoming album will be “Like a Virgin,” one of the hit songs of the scandalous American singer, Madonna. Sister Cristina renewed her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in July 2014, and plans to make her final vows in 2018. The profits from her album will go to her religious congregation, but of course also to her record label.

(Sources: – Midi Libre – DICI no. 304, 07/11/14)

For further reading :
France: Priests and religious picked up by record companies