India: Catholics prevent the demolition of a cathedral

Source: FSSPX News

Saint Peter Cathedral, in Vijayawada (India).

In India, the authorities of Vijayawada, in the State of Andhra Pradesh (southeastern part of the country) tried, on August 1, 2016, to demolish the cathedral of the diocese in order to widen the roadway. They were prevented by priests and hundreds of faithful who defended their church, by physically stopping the demolition equipment from approaching the 19th century edifice.

According to Asia News, on August 2nd, a bulldozer nonetheless destroyed a wall and a complex next to the building, and civil servants insulted the protestors and broke statues inside the cathedral.

The State of Andhra Pradesh was directed since May 2016 by a coalition of parties related to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which is used to favouring the demands of Hindus over those of the Christian minority.

(Sources: – Asia News – DICI no. 340, 09/09/16)

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