Holy Saturday: Matins Recorded in Ecône, Switzerland

The seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary offer you Holy Saturday Matins recorded in Ecône, Switzerland.
The nine psalms are absent, but you will be able to hear the magnificent lessons and responses of each of the three nocturnes sung.
The lessons are drawn from the first nocturne, which like the other two holy days, are from the Lamentations of Jeremiah.
Here is the text of the first response: “R/. Like a sheep * was He led to the slaughter: and whilst He was ill-used He opened not His mouth: He was delivered up to death * That He might give life to His people. V/. He delivered Himself up to death, and counted among the wicked * That He might give life to His people.”
The second response: “R/. Arise, O Jerusalem, and put off thy garments of joy: put on ashes and sackcloth: * For in thee was slain the Savior of Israel. V/. Shed tears like a torrent, day and night, and let not the pupil of your eye by dry; * For in thee was slain the Savior of Israel.”
And the third response: “R/. Mourn * as a virgin, O my people: ye shepherds, howl in ashes and sackcloth: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter. V/. Gird yourselves, O ye priests and mourn, ye ministers of the altar; sprinkle yourselves with ashes: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter. R/. Mourn * as a virgin, O my people: ye shepherds, howl in ashes and sackcloth: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter.”
In the second nocturn, the Church continues to read the Dissertation or Explanations of St. Augustine on the Psalms.
First response: “R/. Our Shepherd, the fountain of living water, is gone, at Whose departure the sun was darkened: * For he in turn is taken captive who held the first man captive: this day our Savior broke open both the bolts and the gates of death. V/. He destroyed the dungeons of hell, and overthrew the powers of the devil. * For he in turn is taken captive who held the first man captive: this day our Savior broke open both the bolts and the gates of death.”
Second response: “R/. O all ye * that pass by the way attend and see * If there be any sorrow like until My sorrow. V/. Attend, O all ye people, and see My sorrow: * If there be any sorrow like until My sorrow.”
Third response: “R/. Behold, how the Just dieth, and none taketh it to heart: and just men are taken, and no one considereth: the Just is taken away from the face of iniquity: * And His memory shall be in peace. V/. He was dumb like the lamb before his shearer, and opened not His mouth: He was taken away from distress and from judgment. * And His memory shall be in peace.”
The lessons of the third nocturne are drawn from the Epistle to the Hebrews, ch. 9.
First response: “R/. The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together: * Against the Lord and against His Christ. V/. Why have the Gentiles raged: and the people devised vain things? * Against the Lord and against His Christ?”
Second response: “R/. I am counted * among them that go down to the pit: * I am become like a man without help, free among the dead. V/. They laid me in the lower pit: in dark places, and in the shadow of death. * I am become like a man without help, free among the dead.”
Third response: “V/. When the Lord was buried, they sealed the sepulcher, rolling a stone before the mouth of the sepulcher: * And placed soldiers to guard Him. R/. The chief priests went to Pilate, and having asked for Him, * placed soldiers to guard Him.”
(Source : Séminaire Saint Pie-X - FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : Flickr / Fr Lawrence Lew, O. P. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)