France: Pentecost Pilgrimage 2024 - Saturday, May 18

Source: FSSPX News

From Chartres to Paris, three days and 100 km to get closer to God.

For 30 years now, Pèlerinages de Tradition has been offering this thousand-year-old Chartres pilgrimage, in the spirit of the pilgrims who have come before us over the centuries: a journey entirely on foot, with priests within the walking groups, prayers and centuries-old hymns, and a traditional Catholic liturgy.

We chose to leave from Chartres cathedral rather than arrive there.  It was a gamble. Not to go back through the centuries to seek refuge in the venerable sanctuary, but indeed the opposite: to start from this relic, this ancient sanctuary, this tested and proven faith, to bring it to our brothers. To be revitalized in Mary so that she can lead us to God and we can bear witness to Him in the eyes of our neighbors--such is the purpose of this pilgrimage.

This fits wonderfully well with the feast of Pentecost, during which the pilgrimage takes place each year, and which commemorates the day on which the Apostles received the Holy Ghost before being sent throughout the world to preach the good news.