France: A mayor consecrates his town to the Sacred Heart

Source: FSSPX News

Philippe de Beauregard, mayor of Camaret-sur-Aigues (Vaucluse), consecrated his town of 4,600 inhabitants to the Sacred Heart on June 12, the Feast of the Sacred Heart. After a Mass celebrated in the local church, the mayor read the official text of the consecration which dates back to 1890. “We consecrate to You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, this part of the land of France.... You will inspire the acts of our administration, and nothing contrary to Your holy laws will be decreed in this community.”

The website Famille Chrétienne [Christian Family] noted on June 12 that “at the origin of the project” were both Fr. Pascal Mamba, pastor of the parish, and the mayor, who was elected in 2014 as the candidate of the Ligue du Sud [Southern League]. “In a rather Catholic region, with a deep-seated Christian tradition”, the parishioners of the town were “won over by the plan”.

Marie-Claude Bompard, who was elected mayor of the neighboring town of Bollène (Vaucluse) in 2008, consecrates her own town to the Sacred Heart every year. In an interview published in 2011 on the website Nouvelles de France, she said that she “was asking that [her] actions might be in keeping with morality. Perhaps too many politicians nowadays have lost this sense of responsibility. I pray for protection and assistance for the town.” She also asserts that “reportedly about a hundred towns in France make this consecration.”

(Sources: famillechrétienne/nouvellesdefrance – DICI no. 317 dated June 26, 2015)