Cardinal Kasper’s brew

Source: FSSPX News

In the May 27 issue of the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera Cardinal Walter Kasper, head of the line-up of progressive prelates who are militantly in favor of admitting divorced-and-remarried persons to communion, said concerning same-sex couples: “If there is a stable union, then no doubt there are elements of good and we must recognize them.”

Earlier, in an interview on September 18, 2014, the same Cardinal asked whether it would not be possible to consider that elements of the sacrament of marriage are found in a merely civil marriage. According to him, “the definitive commitment, the mutual love and care, the Christian life, the public commitment” that unite some civilly married couples, could be considered as elements of sacramental marriage.

Deep down, Cardinal Kasper is a great researcher. With a microscope, he looks for sacramental particles in civil marriage, and now for traces of good in an unnatural union. Soon he will end up finding that in a brew of mint tea laced with arsenic “there are no doubt elements of good and we must recognize them,” such as the herbal properties that aid digestion..., not to mention the exquisite aroma and minty-fresh taste that it gives to the arsenic.

In April, upon hearing the announcement of the Holy Year of Mercy, the 82-year-old German prelate declared that it was “a genial and prophetic response to the signs of the times”, explaining: “The Church must become a house open to all.” Open to the repentant sinner or to sin that is taken for granted and claimed as a right? On the one hand we have the remedy of the grace brought by the Savior; on the other—a counterfeit and terribly toxic mercy.

Father Alain Lorans

Cardinal Sarah’s clarifications on the upcoming synod
Ireland: The Irish people adopt same-sex “marriage”
Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 84